A Letter to Neale

Reader Question:

Hi Neale, Everywhere I look I see people exhibiting behaviors that are destroying our planet...yet they seem to have no awareness of the consequences of their actions. What is this about, do you think? Are people really that uncaring?
GWM, Houston, TX.

Neale Responds

No, I do not believe that people, at their basis, are uncaring. But there is another condition at play here. I believe it is as it was written in Communion with God...

Many humans continue to see themselves...

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A Letter to Neale

Reader Question:

Hi Neale...I've heard you speak in your talks, and I think you've written in one of your books, about a society in which there is no "punishment" for breaking the law. How can society ever forgo the use of punishment as a means to prevent damaging behavior, when all of its people are not yet living by CWG's triangular code of awareness, honesty and responsibility? How can the police force effectively do its work when there is not the tool of punishment to do it with? Most of...

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A Letter to Neale

Reader Question:

Hi Neale...I am one of your avid readers of your books, and it certainly fits in with all that I have studied. I have many questions that I could and would like to discuss with you, however I am sure a letter to the editor is not the place. So the most important topic I would like you to explain to us in a way that I could really understand, and what seems to be a basic tenet is "We are all one" I just cannot get myself around that. I understand that you and I each have a...

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A Letter to Neale

Reader Question:

Hi Neale...First off I want to thank you for your books, which have helped me realize who I truly am. In those books you touched on illusions. I'm reading A Course in Miracles and it states: This world is an illusion, what has ever happened has happened and the divine mind is just reviewing it.

My conclusion is that it's all pre-ordained and we have no choices in this world. Could you please discuss this topic in your bulletin, or personally respond, as I find I am rather...

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A Letter to Neale

Reader Question:

Dear Neale...

In his book "Kundalini For Beginners".... Dr Ravindra Kumar states that the deceased has no more understanding of God than the living. Is this true? He also states that the psychic being, which is also responsible for spiritual growth, exists only on earth and no other plane. Is this true also?  

Sincerely...Isaac Mba.

Neale Responds

Dear Isaac...In my own experience Dr. Kumar’s statements are inaccurate or incomplete on both counts. Having not...

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A Letter to Neale

Reader Question:

Dear Neale...
I have heard you talk about detachment/attachment. You say one can have caring without attachment, but I need more discussion of how that is done.  I have lost 3 pets within the last 9 months, and attachment/loss is much on my mind. Where can I look for more insight?  Perhaps one of your books discusses it in depth, and I have forgotten. And, by the way, I enjoy your bulletins very much.  Contrary to what others appear to...

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A Letter to Neale

Reader Question:

Dear Neale...I was forced to be a closed minded person, who read the bible and found it to be wonderful, but following that saved me and ruined my life. I love Jesus and God more than any other. You can ask them. lol. I was with my daughter after my husband's death. Yahoo. And she wanted a book on Wicca that was not allowed with us, and I opened my mind and took her to the library, but I was searching for my own answers. On the shelf I chose all the books were aligned and...

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A Letter to Neale

Reader Question:

Dear Neale...In one of your audios you say that the purpose of life is the journey for each of us to return to the whole of us. You also say that we are magnificent just as we are which implies that we don't need anything because we are already whole.

Why don't we know that we are fine and magnificent?

I've been reading about 'soul retrieval' and 'experts' out there who say that they are qualified to retrieve the part/s of your soul that are missing. The theory is that...

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A Letter to Neale

Reader Question:

Dear Neale... As the world reels to deal with global events, I find that some of my friends are having a difficult time coping with the daily news. Some of them have even taken to avoiding the news altogether. Any suggestions on what I could tell them?

Topeka, Kansas

Neale Responds

Dear Carolyn... Putting your head in the sand like an ostrich is not the most personally beneficial or effective way of dealing with our world as it is. Simply pretending that...

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A Letter to Neale

Reader Question:

Dear Neale... I am hoping that you will address the reaction of some people to the earthquake in Japan (again). A number of people, including public figures, believe that God sent Japan the earthquake as a punishment for various wrongs: 'greed', WWII (65 years late), or whatever. Apparently an appalling number of people still believe in an angry, retaliatory God!

Funny, they didn't blame the Chile quake last year, or the Christchurch quake last month, or the Indonesia quake...

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